Welcome to my CV - I hope you find it
Any feedback
is welcome!
If you're just interested in the traditional, straight-laced
CV, here it is:
I have finally decided what I want to be when I grow up: Retired!
The event will occur on the 30th of June!
During my 21 years of activity at Germinal, my activities have been in two different areas:
Consultant/mediator, andPharmaceutical Biostatistician
But, what does a biostatistician do? Follow this link to find out !!
Seriously, my major activity at Germinal Knowledge was consulting, but the range of projects has gone from high-level leadership and communication to mediation and conflict management to biostatistics.
It seems that when one of my two activities decreases, the other increases. It's good for business, I suppose, but sometimes it feels a bit schizophrenic...
Anyway, here are some of the major topics in my CV. Happy reading!
- My educational background (see my mathematical genealogy),
- My current professional activities as mediator,
- More about my other professional experiences,
- Ways to contact me, which I hope you do.
And here is the sordid story of my past as a mathematician, statistician and pharmaceutical person.
It occurs to me that some folks would like to see my publications, so here they are.
My «Rôle Model » Super Dupont
Vivre la France! Vivre la démocratie!!